To register as an Echigo-Tsumari art trinanle official volunteer "Kohebi-tai", please fill in the form below.
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We recognizes the importance of appropriately protecting the personal information entrusted to us and the personal information of all persons involved in the performance of activities, and recognizes the importance of appropriately protecting the personal information as follows.
We will establish and comply with the basic policy regarding protection.
The secretariat will comply with laws and other norms regarding the proper handling of personal information of supporters.
The secretariat will properly collect personal information only to the extent necessary for the performance of activities. In addition, except as required by law, we will notify or announce the purpose of use of personal information and use it within the scope of the purpose of use.
The secretariat will endeavor to prevent unauthorized access to personal information, loss, destruction, falsification and leakage of personal information, and will take appropriate safety management measures.
The secretariat will not provide personal information to a third party without the prior consent of the person, except as required by law.
If there is an inquiry about disclosure, correction, deletion, etc. of personal information held by the secretariat, we will promptly respond within a reasonable range after confirming the appropriate identity.
The secretariat will continuously review the management and efforts for the protection of personal information and strive to improve it.

Q1. Nationality


Q2. Gender


Q3. Driver's license

Q4. Which support activities are you interested in?

Q5. Language you speak


Q6. How did you first know about "Kohebi-tai"?


Q7. 【Free message】Please tell us why you are interested in the Echigo-Tsumari art triennale and what activities you would like to participate in.
