Mistress Reiko and Mistress Rammy  W Special play.
Special play course by two queens!

If you want to book a session, here is the flow of actions:
Please fill the form with the following informations.

Please be acseptable the following address in your phone.
(From fetishmantis@gmail.com or fetish-Mantis@au.com)

 年  月  日
- -

Q1. ■The time of the reservation date
(Sample form)
・The first request: The request date and time
・The second request:The request date and time


Q2. ■Course time
(We only take cash payments Japanese yen)

Membership fee 2000y

For every 30minutes of extra time taken, a fee of 15000 yen will be charged.

Q3. Mistress Reiko Options

Q4. ■The session area
※travel expenses 
新宿Shinjuku and Kabuki-cho of 2000y 
(HOTEL LaPia is recommended)
六本木Roppongi (only alpha inn) 
錦糸町Kinshi-cho 4000y 
池袋Ikebukuro 4000y 
※And so on area of 4000y

Q5. ■Please choose that you are interested.

Q6. ■Can you speak Japanese?

