レッスンに関するお問い合わせ / Inquiries about lesson
受付時間 9:00~17:00(土日祝祭日を除く)
Operating hours: 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. (excepted on weekends and public holidays)


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The information contained in this form is used solely for the purpose of executing lessons.
It will remain within ARC Academy and will not be used or disclosed to any third party.
Fill in the following form and click on submit(送信) on the bottom of the screen.

※For users who are nationals of European Union (EU) member states;
For users who are nationals of EU member states or of Iceland, Liechtenstein or Norway
Do you give your approval to the personal information that you have inputted being sent outside the European Economic Area (EEA) (i.e., to Japan)?
By placing a check “Agree to our Privacy Policy” below, you are considered to be giving your consent to your personal data being transferred outside the EEA.
This means that, based on your consent, the data in question may be transferred to countries for which the European Commission has not reached a full and complete decision regarding the protection of personal data in the countries in question.
ARC Academy will protect all personal data, regardless of the country to which it is sent.

Q1. 【任意】ご希望のレッスン(複数選択可)
Please select the class of your interest (Check all that apply.)

Q2. 【任意】ご希望のレッスンの方法(複数選択可)
Please select the lesson style of your interest(Check all that apply.)*required field

Q3. 【任意】その他
Other additional information, questions and requests
Feel free to write any question or comment you may have.
