Spring school概要


PAL国際保育園@東京外大では、3月・4月にSpring School2024を開催いたします。この春、府中でインターナショナルスクールを体験してみませんか?
PAL国際保育園@東京外大では、東京外国語大学の学生さんとの交流が普段から盛んです。Spring School期間中の保育時間はもちろん、運動や音楽など様々なサークルや部活との交流を日本語・英語で行っていきます。







(東京都府中市朝日町3‐11‐11 東京外国語大学内 国際交流会館前)

・給食費 550円/食 
・おやつ 各200円/食(15時、18時)
・延長保育 (7:00-08:30、18:00-19:00)、利用料金(15分)500円
※週の途中からおよび土曜日の利用の場合は、1日/Per dayの利用料金となります。


Spring School 2024
Experience multinational and multicultural childcare at PAL International School @ Tokyo University of Foreign Studies! PAL International School @ Tokyo University of Foreign Studies will hold Spring School 2024 in March and April. How about experiencing an international school in Fuchu this spring?

◆Target age points
0‐2 years old
Children can form attachments with teachers and children from various countries.
Children can receive a lot of intellectual stimulation through multilingual interactions.

3-6 years old
Children will be able to notice the differences in words spoken by their friends and learn
about the existence of other languages.
By being exposed to many languages, the children's language acquisition will increase dramatically.

Elementary school students
Intellectual curiosity will be heightened through interaction with friends.
Students will gain an interested in foreign countries and cultural differences
through interactions with native teachers.

2024/3/4~2024/4/5(Monday through Friday. Excluding Saturdays, Sundays and holidays)
Please use temporary childcare service on Saturdays.

8:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
(You can choose from three options: morning, afternoon, or full day)

0 years old (from 57 days old) to 6th grade elementary schoolers
(Activities will change depending on the age of the children)

PAL International School @ Tokyo University of Foreign Studies 
(3‐11‐11 Asahi-cho, Fuchu-shi, Tokyo, on the campus of Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)

◆Spring School Enrollment Fee
Admission fee(New member only) 10,000 yen
Registration fee(New member only) 10,000 yen
Lunch \550 per meal
Snacks \200 per snacks (3:00pm、6:00pm)
Extended childcare (7:00am-08:29am、6:01pm-7:00pm)、User fee (15 minutes)\500
※You can apply for Spring School for only half days or full days.
※A weekly fee will be applied for continuous use from Monday through Friday.
The fee will be charged per day for Saturday or partial week use.



・PALの意味はPlay and Lean(遊びを通じて学ぶ)→子どもの主体的な遊びを中心に、

【About PAL International School @ Tokyo University of Foreign Studies】
・PAL International School @ Tokyo University of Foreign Studies opened on September 1,
2022 and is located on the campus of Tokyo University of Foreign Studies.
・We are open for children 0 y/o to 6th grade elementary schoolers.
・The children can experience multiculturalism and diversity through playing with
teachers and friends from various countries.
・Various languages can be experienced at PAL
・The meaning of PAL is Play and Learn (learning through play) → Children enjoy rhythm,
nature, art, picture books, and more while focusing on their interests through play.
・Bilingual (Japanese + English) care is provided throughout the day.
・The Seiwa Gakuen School Corporation, which has a history of more than 80 years,
provides "child-centered" childcare and education.


店舗・企業名 PAL International School@TUFS(PAL国際保育園@東京外大)
営業時間 7:00 - 19:00
定休日 日、祝日(大学行事等に合わせて開園の場合あり)
住所 東京都府中市朝日町3-11-11 (東京外国語大学内 国際交流会館前)
電話番号 0423069955
ホームページ https://seiwagakuen.ed.jp/pal/
