AMICUS Calender

2024 個別相談 Personal Counseling


※ ご予約は先着順、定員に達し次第締め切りとさせていただきます。
※ フォーム送信後、ご登録のメールアドレス宛に控えのメールが届きます。

◆This counseling is for those who have children in the applicable ages ( K1 and G1 in SY2025 ).
◆Please note that applications for children who are not eligible for the applicable grade will be cancelled.

※The reservation will be on a first-come, first-served basis. We will stop accepting applications once all the spots are taken.
※You will receive a confirmation email to your registered email address once the form has been submitted.
※Zoom will be used for personal counseling. Please prepare before the session.

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