The Shanbio Spa Reservation form/ 予約フォーム
「The Shanbio Spa Menu」の選択
Energy Treatments
Using microcurrents that change the body from the autonomic nervous system, we conduct treatments through the therapist's body."
Receiving energy treatments helps to balance the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems.
By ensuring that each functions in balance, it also enhances the immune system.
It has effects such as being less prone to illness, sleeping well, and increased concentration.
It is also said that by balancing the bioelectric currents, one can rejuvenate at the cellular level.
This energy treatment enhances the fundamental function of the human autonomic nervous system, boosting physical vitality and facilitating fundamental improvement in various health conditions. Many people who have suffered from long-standing discomforts have experienced improvement. For those grappling with persistent issues that have been difficult to alleviate, this treatment is highly recommended.
このエナジートリートメントで人間の根本的な自律神経という機能を高め、身体の活力がアップし、さまざまな体調不良の根本的な改善を図ることができます。長年悩んでいた不調が改善された方もたくさんいます。なかなか改善しなかった不調を抱えている方に、ぜひおすすめするトリートメントです。 -
The Shanbio's original massage enhanced with Aromatherapy not only to relieve fatigue physically and mentally.
but also to stimulate the flow of blood and lymph , enhance immunity ,recovery the fatigue and stress.
Hot StoneMassage
Hot stone can normalize the balance between
Using a warm stone with an appropriate temperature,
the warmth willl go to the deep of muscles and unravel the stiffness.
Warm from the core of the body slowly, and relieve muscle tension and mental fatigue gently,
It is a ralaxation treatment that balance the mind and body.
Deep Tissue Massage
Deep Tissue Massage/デトックス疲労回復マッサージ
Works on chronic tention and muscle aches in the deep muscle with The Shanbio's original techniques. Muscles will loosen along with tightened lymph nodes, enhancing blood flow to take away fatigue. -
Prenatal Massage
Shanbio prenatal massage is back!
Must be over 20weeks!!
Please ask your doctor before booking a session with us.
You will be treated on your side(both sides) with cushions for a comfortable position.
Our prenatal treatments are gentle hand treatments using essential oil, but firm enough to reach those areas that are giving you discomfort.
Helps relieve :
joint pain
leg cramping
swelling in your feel/hands
カップルルームをご用意してますので、パートナーとと一緒に施術をお楽しみください。 -
Couples Massage
Couples Massage will be treated in a private room with a view.
If one of you prefer a relaxing Aromatherapy Massage, your partner can choose Deep Tissue.
Prices will vary accordingly.
Prices shown for Couples Massages are quoted for 2 people.
Book for 1 session of this treatment for all Couples Massage(otherwise prices will show double)
Facial+ Body Special Package
An Amazing combo Package, choice of 90 or 110minutes.
Starting with a Deep Tissue full body treatment for 60min or 80min, followed by a facial for 30minutes.
Our signature facial is designed for all genders with sensitive skin.
Cleansing, removing blackheads+cleansing any clogged pores, hydrating masque.
This is a quick 60min rejuvenating package treatment.
30min of de-stressing massage, lighter pressure
followed by a facial with pore cleansing +Hydrating facial masque included.
"Face will become stiff!"you will become stiff on your face if you use PC for a long time ,lack of sleep,clenching,or grinding.
The oxygen supply decomposes the stiffness of face ,carries nutrients ,and also make blood flow better.With the increase of age, the oxygen in the skin decrease. That's the biggest reason of being wrinkles and aging.
Shanbio uses high-concentration oxygen cosmetic Mirey. Through the face muscle massage to relax the stiffness and deliver the oxygen to the deep skin derectly.
Prenatal Massage
Shanbio prenatal massage is back!
Must be over 20weeks!!
Please ask your doctor before booking a session with us.
You will be treated on your side(both sides) with cushions for a comfortable position.
Our prenatal treatments are gentle hand treatments using essential oil, but firm enough to reach those areas that are giving you discomfort.
Helps relieve :
joint pain
leg cramping
swelling in your feel/hands
Prenatal Massage
Prenatal Massage (60min) ¥13,000(税込)
All-hand oil treatment of the whole body
Prenatal Massage (80min) ¥15,500(税込)
All-hand oil treatment of the whole body
Prenatal Massage (100min) ¥18,400(税込)
All-hand oil treatment of the whole body