
※必ずお読みください。※Please read the following information carefully
Before departure, please visit the Snow Country Tourism Information Center located at the west exit of Echigo-Yuzawa Station to receive your ticket.
※Do make sure you have enough time to receive your ticket and reach the bus before the scheduled departure.  
 乗車日前日は旅行代金の50% 乗車日当日は旅行代金の100%
About Cancellation fees
※Cancellation fees are calculated based on the travel fee.  
Cancellation on the day prior to the reservation: 50% of the travel fee
Cancellation on the day of your reservation: 100% of the travel fee
If you only book a one-way ticket, the entrance fee to Kiyotsu Gorge Tunnel is not included.
●座席指定はできません。※補助席となる場合がございます。Specific seat reservations are not available. In some circumstances, you may be required to use an auxiliary seat.
●道路状況によりバスが遅延することがあります。There may be delays in bus service depending on road conditions.
●添乗員及びガイドは同行しません。You will not be accompanied by a guide.


The Kiyotsukyo Gorge Tunnel has announced that it will be temporarily closed from Wednesday, February 5th for the time being to prevent the risk of avalanches and increased snowfall due to heavy snowfall, and will therefore stop accepting reservations for the time being. We will start accepting reservations again once we have a clear idea of ​​when the tunnel will reopen.

清津渓谷入坑券チケット付【湯沢⇔清津峡ツアーバス】「Yuzawa⇔KiyotsuGorge Tour Bus」「湯澤⇔清津峽遊覽」
運行期間 2024年12月21日~25日、1月16日~3月2日(火・水曜日は除く)
    1-1便 越後湯沢駅西口(Echigoyuzawa St) 9:50発⇒清津峡渓谷トンネル(Kiyotsu gorge tunnel )10:20着
  1-2便 越後湯沢駅西口(Echigoyuzawa St) 11:00発⇒清津峡渓谷トンネル(Kiyotsu gorge tunnel )11:30着    
  2-1便 清津峡渓谷トンネル(Kiyotsu gorge tunnel ) 11:45発⇒ 越後湯沢駅西口(Echigoyuzawa St)12:15着
  2-2便 清津峡渓谷トンネル(Kiyotsu gorge tunnel )13:00発⇒越後湯沢駅西口(Echigoyuzawa St)13:30着
集 合 出発の10分前までに雪国観光舎にて受付・お支払を済ませてください。
Please be sure to check in at Yukiguni Kankosha at least 10 minutes before departure.
最少催行人員 1名
料 金 
One-way ticket only (same price for adults and children) 2,000 yen

One-way ticket (same price for adults and children) ✙ Includes Kiyotsu Gorge Tunnel entrance ticket (elementary and junior high school students) 2,400 yen

One-way ticket (same price for adults and children) ✙ Includes Kiyotsu Gorge Tunnel entrance ticket (adults only) 3,000 yen
お申込期限 出発日の前日17:00まで
運行会社 ゆざわ魚沼タクシー又は銀嶺タクシー


1月 2025年2月 3月
受付中 残りわずか ×締め切り