
JPFA Members

Thank you for your interest in joining the JPFA.

The JPFA is supported by organizational and individual members who uphold its objective of developing,
demonstrating and making operational a more sustainable plant factory system and disseminating that in an effort to
promote controlled-environment agriculture.
Members are entitled to discounts on training courses and free participation in workshops and are eligible for
consulting services. They are also given preference in the selection of participants in its joint research or
By becoming a member, you can connect with other members who are active players and genuine enthusiasts
in the plant factory field.
We welcome as a member any organization or individual interested in and excited about plant factories.

Join Us to Support Our Activities

The JPFA has different categories of members--special members, regular members and supporting members.
Special members (organizational) play leading roles in the consortium for plant factories overseen by the JPFA.
Regular members uphold its objective and serve to promote its activities in their respective fields.
Supporting members uphold its objective and serve to provide support for its activities.
Benefits are limited for supporting members.
If you wish to become a JPFA member, click on the button below.

Copyright© JAPAN PLANT FACTORY ASSOCIATION. All Rights Reserved.